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Spiel training

2Life Communities


When training your board and staff on an organizational spiel, Spitfire works to make sure the training fits their timeline, location and specific needs.  2Life Communities, a Boston area nonprofit that focuses on community-based living options for seniors, brought Spitfire in to ensure their staff, board and advisors were all describing this incredible organization in a similar and passionate manner.  Spitfire trainers and coaches ensure all sessions are engaging and interactive no matter the situation. 

These two trainings provided some hurdles to leap over for the team.  The evening dinner session for the board and advisors decided to forgo the PowerPoint due to it taking place outdoors and the presentation would not be visible during daylight.  In addition to the presentation-less training, the temperatures began to drop as the sun went down and blankets were passed out to all attendees to keep them warm.  Spitfire coaches worked quickly on a tighter timeline with rousing success.  The evening ended with many board members elated about the organization and empowered to start spreading the word. 

The staff training took place the following morning over breakfast in the same location.  No presentation could be used and instead of blankets, participants needed umbrellas and fans to shade and cool themselves.  Spitfire coaches tapped into their day-to-day experiences and passion for this work to craft memorable spiels and stories of impact for their staff and communications team to use.  While we cannot claim the slogan of the US Postal Services in terms of delivery, 2Life Communities’ board and staff had an engaging training in midday heat, evening cold and without a PowerPoint in sight.  Spitfire’s trainers and coaches can deliver the experience no matter the location, weather or last-minute changes. 

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